Being in the job I’m in now has made me infinitely more aware of the environment, preservation, conservation, wildlife habitat and how humans interact with the natural world. I am a total wildlife geek and read/watch anything I can get my hands on about the subject. I also just plain love learning new things. So sometimes my Netflix queue is more full of wildlife documentaries than current releases. I’m volunteering at two different wild animal sanctuaries now, and that has been another big eye-opener and learning experience.
The more I read about threatened and endangered species, non-native introduced species, and the imbalance of species in a habitat, the more it makes me think about just how much homo sapiens have mucked up the works. Almost every instance you read regarding an invasive species, or a habitat dying out is due to human intervention, carelessness and sometimes greed and ignorance.
We brought over, and continue to bring over species from other continents (sometimes intentionally, sometimes by mistake). These are species that don’t belong in a certain area and completely upset the ecosystem and destroy other species. We build, pave and push species into corners of urban interchanges to exist. Then we complain when they overpopulate their corner, or the bigger predators move in to eat them, along with our pets, and so we exterminate them all.
We have captured and caged and forced animals to entertain us for our pleasure.
We have caused the extinction of many species. We pollute and change and alter habitats beyond the point of return.

All this is not news to you. I’m just venting.
But what if – humans weren’t actually supposed to inhabit the planet at all? What if we were a mistake? Think about it. If there were no humans on the planet ever, the plant and animal life would be allowed to flourish and follow their natural patterns. The hierarchy of prey of predators would mostly stay in balance. I’m not saying their wouldn’t be extinctions or major changes. But they would happen organically, through natural disasters and survival of the fittest. It would be a beautiful utopia of nature. One I have visited in my daydreams and meditation.
What if humans evolved by accident, and it was just a fluke that we came to be?
I like to picture other planets out there in the universe that do not have human life, but are rich with plant and animal life and evolving in their own natural way.
No, I’m not going all anti-social on you. These are thoughts that have been zipping around my brain for a while and I just wanted to put them down before they zipped away 🙂